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How do you make a WebPage interesting?       

|Focus question 2 (How safe is the internet?)|
|Focus question 3 (How do you put a movie on your own site?)|

An interesting WebPage contains information that you want presented neatly.

It can have pictures, videos, sounds, as well as text. They tell you the story of what you want to know from that WebPage.

An interesting WebPage doesn't have to be fancy or brightly coloured.

You might even only use 1 different font and it would still be interesting.

WebPage editors (such as coffecup) make it easy to create a page, but you still have to plan the page and whats going on it if you want it to be interesting.

Then you have to upload the page to a WebSite so other people can see it.

I used WS_ftp to send the files to my website.